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Homes for Ukraine conflict resolution

Wandsworth Mediation Service offers free dispute resolution support to Ukrainians living in Wandsworth under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, and their sponsors. Sadly, we have seen reports of a rising number of conflicts between Homes for Ukraine hosts and their guests, with hundreds of Ukrainians reported homeless after placements broke down. If you are having communication or organisational problems with your sponsor-guest relationship, we can help you find a positive way forward.

Our conflict resolution service is free to all households hosting Ukrainians who have arrived due to the war.

We can help with issues such as:

  • Disagreements over living arrangements;
  • Communication breakdown;
  • Responsibilities and expectations;
  • Cultural or generation gap.
  • Disagreements over living arrangements;
  • Communication breakdown;
  • Responsibilities and expectations;
  • Cultural or generation gap.

Any questions? Call us on 020 7223 7744.

Services we provide for the Homes for Ukraine Scheme participants:

– Mediation: an informal but structured way of resolving arguments. Two impartial mediators who are specially trained in conflict resolution will help you discuss your disagreement and find solutions that feel fair to everyone.

Conflict coaching: one-to-one support in addressing or preventing a specific conflict. It can be extremely helpful where one person wants to use mediation, but the other doesn’t.

– Facilitated conversation: a discussion on a specific topic that is guided by neutral facilitators. Just like with mediation, the facilitators have no decision-making power, their job is purely to restore communication and help find solutions everyone is happy with.


Independent – we are a team of trained volunteers, independent of Wandsworth Council, police, social services or any other agency. Find out more about us.

Confidential – you can speak to us freely. We will not share anything with anyone unless you agree.

Free – for Wandsworth residents.

Why use Wandsworth Mediation Service?

Voluntary – you are in full control of how the process goes, and all decisions made. If you want, you can leave at any time.

Impartial – we will not take sides, express opinions or try to influence you.

How does it work?


Once we received your referral, our case managers will get back to you as soon as possible to explain the mediation process and to check everyone is happy to take part. We will then appoint two mediators from our panel. The mediators will first meet with you and the other party separately to hear about the background, and in most cases, you will then attend a joint mediation meeting with the other party and both mediators. The mediators will help you brainstorm solutions and facilitate an agreement. Find out more about mediation here.

Conflict coaching

Once we hear from you, our case managers will contact you to find out more about the problem, and to arrange a meeting with two conflict coaches who are also experienced mediators. During the session, you will have a chance to talk about your issue with conflict resolution specialists, and explore your options. The coaches will listen without taking sides and help you gain confidence to deal with your problem. By the end of the session, you will be able to identify your strengths, skills and resources that can empower change. Find out more about conflict coaching here.


After the initial contact, our case managers will contact each person to check they are happy to participate, and to explain the process. We will then select two facilitators from our panel, and arrange a joint facilitation meeting. At the meeting, the facilitators will set the agenda and guide the discussion, making sure the participants meet their goals. Where it’s needed, they will use conflict resolution techniques to alleviate tensions and restore constructive dialogue.

“I feel the service has enabled me to say my feelings out loud instead of keeping everything bottled up inside. The service has helped me look at other options so I can seek a good outcome for all affected”.

Conflict coaching client

“I felt listened to and guided. I felt that they helped me find solutions in dealing with what I considered issues, but now think of as events… I walked away feeling that I had a better sense of direction. Once again, thank you for your service. It was objective, yet personal and made me feel much lighter when I left”.

Conflict coaching client

“We had tried everything but this actually worked!”

Mediation client

Homes for Ukraine conflict resolution Questions

Our service is free for all Wandsworth residents who are participating in the Homes for Ukraine Scheme.

We have Ukrainian and Russian interpreters to support those refugees with limited or no English. Please contact us if you require an interpreter at mediation, facilitation or conflict coaching.

The majority of our trained volunteers are Wandsworth residents who are looking to invest in their local community. They all offer their time and skills to us without charge. We provide regular supervision and professional development opportunities to ensure that they are working to the highest standard.

Our mediators, conflict coaches and facilitators are fully trained to conduct conflict resolution sessions online. It means you can resolve disputes quicker, and from the comfort of your home. All you need is a computer or mobile phone, a web camera and a quiet location. Our dedicated case managers will provide detailed instructions and guide you through the set-up.

If you have more questions, please visit our FAQs or contact us.

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