Disagreements in the workplace are very common and can occur at all levels: be it within a team, or between employees and management. If left unchecked, even minor misunderstandings can often escalate beyond control, creating stress and affecting productivity, which directly impacts all team members and the organisation as a whole.
Workplace mediation
Workplace mediation services can be used to resolve a number of issues, including:
- Breakdown in working relationships;
- Personality clashes
- Communication problems
- Discrimination, bullying and harassment
- Breakdown in working relationships;
- Personality clashes
- Communication problems
- Discrimination, bullying and harassment
What is workplace mediation?
Workplace mediation is an informal and structured process that aims to resolve workplace disputes while preserving working relations. It is facilitated by an impartial third party – a mediator. The mediator will not suggest solutions or decide who is right or wrong. Their role is to help team members to resolve their disagreements, making sure that the final agreement is the one that feels fair to everyone.

6 benefits of workplace mediation:
- It’s efficient – most mediations are completed within one day.
- It’s future-focused, empowering the participants to have control of what’s agreed.
- It’s confidential – nothing discussed or agreed can be shared publicly or used in formal procedures.
- It’s more cost-effective than formal action, such as employment tribunal claims.
- It’s flexible – it can be used at any stage of a dispute (although it’s most effective early on), and can be delivered in person or online.
- Workplace mediation works – our clients often say mediation improved workplace morale and enabled them to keep valuable employees.
Why choose Wandsworth Mediation Service?
Wandsworth Mediation Service has a team of highly skilled, accredited workplace mediators. Since 2004, we have conducted numerous workplace mediations in Councils, NHS Clinical commissioning groups, government departments, places of worship, charities and schools.
We are a registered charity operating on a not-for-profit basis: workplace cases fund our free community mediation service. Plus, being a non-profit allows us to offer you lower costs than many alternatives. Click here to find out more about our mediators, and here to read about the wider work we do.

How does workplace mediation work?
You may be referred to us by your HR department, your manager or you may come to us yourself. After an initial discussion with you, and if you are willing to go ahead, we will contact the colleague with whom you are in dispute. We may also need to speak confidentially to your HR department to find out more about your organisation. If both you and your colleague(s) agree to mediate, we will select a mediator who has the relevant skills for your dispute and arrange a joint meeting via zoom or at your preferred venue.
Joint meeting
At the beginning of the meeting, the mediator will explain the process and set some ground rules. They will then meet with each of you privately. This will be a chance to explain how the situation is affecting you and explore the main issues. The mediator will then bring you and your colleague back together, facilitating the discussion, clarifying issues, and above all, helping you acknowledge each other’s feelings. The mediator will also help you both identify any common interests. Agreements reached during workplace mediation are not intended to be legally binding but are meant to be observed as a matter of good faith. For more information about the process and timings, please visit our FAQ section.
“WMS has been great throughout the process and the mediator was fantastic. The service was excellent both in terms of the overall purpose and the services provided”.
Mediation client
“We had a constructive and productive conversation. I am pleased to have participated in mediation. I think mediation should be a standard part of the process after a complaint has been made”.
Workplace mediation client
“Service from all team members was prompt, kind, diligent, knowledgeable, thorough, compassionate, trustworthy and creates peace of mind. Service from all team members was impeccable. Thank you!!”
Mediation client
“Well organised and appreciated service”.
Workplace mediation client
Workplace mediation Questions
Charges start at £750 for a 5-hour mediation, normally payable by the employer (excluding VAT which is not currently payable). Please contact us for more information.
We are supported by a panel of highly qualified and knowledgeable workplace mediators with extensive experience in a range of different practice areas.
Our panel is overseen by our chair and founder, Stephen Ruttle KC.
Click here to view the full profile of our panel members, together with details of their areas of expertise.
We have seen a huge increase in demand for our service since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our mediators are fully trained to conduct mediation sessions online.
Online mediation means you can resolve disputes quicker, and from the comfort of your home. All you need is a computer or mobile phone, a webcam and a quiet location. Our dedicated case managers will provide detailed instructions and guide you through the set-up.
If you have more questions, please visit our FAQs or contact us.