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Peer mediation training in 4 local primary schools

Schoolgirl writing in classroom lesson in primary school

Peer mediation training in 4 local primary schools

Partnering with Peaceworks, Wandsworth Mediation Service has trained up a team of our experienced mediators to run their established program in Wandsworth schools. 

Helping people in conflict starts with the youngest members of our communities.  So far we have trained over 85 teachers at 4 different primary schools in Wandsworth as part of setting up mini-mediation services within the schools.  Pupils will be able to mediate disputes between each other, developing conflict resolution skills that will remain with them for life.  Equipping children to resolve conflict (as opposed to being told what to do by teachers and staff) not only empowers them, but also gives them valuable techniques that they can use at home as well. The training of pupils in years 5 & 6 has completed, and we are delighted that the staff, parents and children are all excited by the projects.

