“Your help eased a very difficult situation. We are now able to talk freely and express feelings and opinions”
Joan explaining how mediation helped resolve differences over childcare with her ex-partner
“After four years I finally feel I am at peace in my own home. Tim and I have been talking and things are much better since the mediation”
Richard comments on how mediation helped to resolve a conflict with their neighbour
We are only able to offer our service to people like Joan and Richard because of the generous amounts of time and energy given by our volunteers and the small amount of financial support we obtain from trusts and foundations.
Most recently we have been offered £1,500 towards our work from Deutsche Bank, but there is a catch. We can only get £1,500 if we can raise £1,500 ourselves though our online giving page www.localgiving.com/wandsworthmediation. £3,000 may sound like a drop in the ocean, but for us it represents around 10% of what we need to run our service for an entire year!
For this reason we are asking people to consider making a financial donation towards our work and see this doubled by the matchfunding we have been offered.
Within the current climate we can feel overwhelmed when we think of our vision, to equip our community to deal with conflict in a different way. Yet our faithful volunteers work tirelessly to do just that. Through their work as volunteer mediators they provide a safe place for parents and neighbours to hold a difficult conversation, helping people to come together to find shared solutions to the issues they face.
You may be someone who has used our mediation service, a previous supporter of our work or just a friendly face. If you feel able to visit our page and make a donation, whatever the amount, we’d be very grateful.